Developing sustainable materials - that's our job.

Developing sustainable materials - that's our job.

And we do it by refining by-products from steel production, as well as by sustainably exploiting natural resources. With a single clear ambition: to be a zero waste company in everything we do. We strive for an optimal (re-)use of materials, both inside and outside our company. That’s also why we put strong emphasis on research and development. We apply the innovative technologies that we develop in our own business operations, but we are equally happy to implement them in other companies.

A sustainable circular economy - that's what we believe in

A sustainable circular economy - that's what we believe in

An economy in which no materials get lost, where raw materials and residual streams are used and reused intelligently, and where companies collaborate more closely with one another.

The pillars of our company

Sustainable materialsSustainable materials

We are a material specialist for the construction, infrastructure and steelmaking sectors. In our product line you’ll find a wide range of materials of alternative origin, but of course natural raw materials as well. However, one thing is always guaranteed: our quality. Our entire product line is constantly being tested for quality,

Close collaboration with other companiesClose collaboration with other companies

We work together structurally with companies in the steel industry. We recover metal from the residual fractions that are generated during metal production. The recovered material is reused as raw material by the metal producer, and in this way we help close the metal production circuit.

Smart valorisationSmart valorisation

We process the mineral fraction that remains after the metal has been recovered into new, valuable raw materials and products. For example, we produce the granulates Stinox® and
Carbogran®, the filler Fillinox® and the binder Carbinox®.

Circular production processesCircular production processes

We apply the principle of closed and sustainable circuits in our own processes as well. For example, we continuously reuse the water that is necessary in our production.


We are constantly seeking new technologies in order to further optimise our own processes and those of our customers. For each type of industrial by-product we strive to offer an appropriate destination and a revaluation process. Our carbonation technology is a good example of this.

Our high-quality productsOur high-quality products

All of our products are extensively tested for quality and safety in both internal and external laboratories, and are then certified. They meet the applicable standards and regulations, and each of them fulfils the environmental norms from a technical construction perspective. Our production site in Genk is ISO9001 (2015) certified for the treatment of stainless steel slags and refractories. And our production site in Farciennes is ISO9001 (2015) certified for treatment of steel waste and carbonation activities.

Respect for human beings and the environmentRespect for human beings and the environment

As a company, we invest in infrastructure and processes that minimise the impact on the environment as far as possible and that guarantee the safety and health of our employees and local residents. For this we work together with partners, researchers, government authorities and local residents. We also raise the awareness of our employees and offer them continuous training. Our production site in Genk is ISO14001 (2015) certified for the treatment of stainless steel slags. And our production site in Farciennes is ISO14001 (2015) and ISO45001 (2018) certified for treatment of steel waste and carbonation activities.

Carefully-conceived and environmentally-friendly logisticsCarefully-conceived and environmentally-friendly logistics

We prefer transport via inland shipping over road transport. Not only is it more sustainable, but it’s also safer and faster. In addition, we guarantee our customers a door-to-door service. Naturally this also includes any storage and transhipment.



We´ve been recovering residual fractions from the steel industry and extracting natural resources ever since 1996.

The raw materials were mainly marketed by TRC (Trading and Recycling Company), the extraction and production by our subsidiaries Recmix, Recoval, Elzasel and Sprimont Blue.

In 2016 TRC was renamed Orbix. The subsidiaries Recmix and Elzasel were also merged into the new company.
The name Orbix wasn´t chosen by accident, since Orbix refers to ´orbis´, which means ´circle´ in Latin. In other words, a name that is perfectly in keeping with our vision of circular entrepreneurship. Our company is imbued with circular thinking. And since 2016 it’s also a part of our name.

Our partners

Aachen University